
This should be the final stop for contributors to your community archive. The role of the guide here is to make connections between questions voiced by the contributor at sign-in or throughout the process. The guide should also help the contributor make sure that they have all of their items and corresponding ID sticker. The guide will also hold the recorder until it’s time to return it to the checkout volunteers.

The individual working the checkout station should:

  1. Greet the contributor and guide.
  2. Verify that the contributor has their object(s).
  3. Verify that the Object ID stickers match.
    • Take the index card(s) with sticker(s) from the contributor and guide
    • Confirm that the two IDs correspond
  4. Consult the “Assign ID” tab in the Sign-In Spreadsheet
    • Verify the consent level that the contributor has chosen. Make sure that they are still okay with that level. Consider saying:
      • “I see that you have selected (Consent Level). Would you like to keep this level of consent or would you like to change it to one of the other levels?”
      • If they would like to change, update the consent in the Assign ID tab.
      • Recall the different levels of consent:
        • Full participation: Post their contributions, digitized images, and oral history interview to the community archiving website.
        • No audio, full participation: Post their contributions, digitized images, and oral history interview TRANSCRIPTION, not the actual audio recording, to the community archiving website.
        • Anonymous, full participation: Post their contributions, digitized images, and oral history interview TRANSCRIPTION, not the actual audio recording, to the community archiving website, not including personal information.
        • Private, full participation: We will NOT publish anything contribution to the website, but will keep their contact information for sending digital copies of the items contributed.
    • In the “Assign ID” tab, verify the contributor’s contact information.
      • if they did not originally provide an email address at sign-in, ask whether they would like to do so now, and record the email address if provided.
    • Let the contributor know the timeframe in which you expect to be able to share all digital files with them.
    • Give the contributor a flyer and thank them for their contribution. The contributor can leave at this point. If the contributor also has a video to digitize, direct the guide and contributor to the Video Digitization Station. If not, they are done!
    • Place the index card(s) in their designated recepticle once consent has been verified.
    • Transfer the oral history interview audio to your preferred digital storage platform.
    • Return the audio recorder to the Check-In Station for reuse.
      • Make sure to delete the folder/file from the recorder before returning it to the Check-In Station